Friday, January 27, 2012

LG Spectrum gets software update to fix Netflix playback

LG Spectrum update

Fire up your brand new LG Spectrum tonight and you'll likely see a wee update waiting for you. The mere 10.09-megabyte update takes you to software version VS920ZV4 and does the following:

  • Netflix playback issue corrected

Awesome. We like Netflix. But the fact that it takes an update on the phone is a bit ridiculous, no? At least it's a small update. And quick. But we digress.

More: LG Spectrum update PDF; LG Spectrum forums


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Monday, January 23, 2012

Pakistan rejects US self-defense claim on strikes (AP)

ISLAMABAD ? The Pakistani army has formally rejected a U.S. claim that American airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani troops last year were justified as self-defense.

The army issued a detailed report Monday in response to the U.S. investigation into the Nov. 26 attack on two Pakistani posts along the Afghan border.

The U.S. claimed the airstrikes were justified because Pakistani troops fired first at Afghan and American forces operating across the border in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani report claims its troops fired at militants, not coalition forces. It also claims the militants were operating in a different area than the foreign troops.

The report called the U.S. strikes "disproportionate" and "excessive." It said trying to blame Pakistan was "unjustified and unacceptable."


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Sunday, January 22, 2012

An Abundance of Exoplanets Changes our Universe

Earth-sized planets near and far (NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech)

Planets in habitable zones, planets orbiting twin suns, miniature solar systems, rogue planets, planets, planets, planets. If there is one single piece of information you should take away from the recent flood of incredible exoplanetary discoveries it is this: Our universe makes planets with extraordinary efficiency ? if planets can form somewhere, they will.

We?ve been sidling up on this fact for some time now, but it?s still a remarkable thing to acknowledge. Ten to fifteen years ago, as the first exoplanet detections began to come in, we understood that what we were seeing was potentially just the tip of the iceberg. These were massive objects (Jupiter sized or greater) and most of them were orbiting much closer to their parent stars than any equivalent giant planet in our solar system ? hence the ?hot Jupiter? moniker that is still used today. Statistics improved, as did our understanding of how detection techniques were biased towards finding these types of planets (owing to their greater gravitational influence on their parent stars), and estimates were made that suggested only a few percent of normal stars harbored such worlds.

Plot of exoplanet mass estimates versus year of discovery (generated from the online Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia, thanks to Jean Schneider). The object shown in 1989 is known as HD 114762b, and is open to some debate in terms of actual discovery date and planetary classification as it may in fact be over 100 times the mass of Jupiter, nonethless it exists in this online compilation of exoplanetary data.

Of course time went by and astronomical instruments were refined, more and more data was accumulated, and longer orbital period planets and less massive planets were discovered. The figure to the left here illustrates the evolving range of planetary masses (or lower limits to planet masses) as a property of the year of discovery for confirmed exoplanets (excluding the thousands of to-be-confirmed-candidates from NASA?s Kepler mission). Here in 2012 we?re dipping well and truly into Earth-sized planetary terrain (about 0.003 times the mass of Jupiter on this scale).

By 2010 gravitational microlensing searches for planets were indicating that Neptune-sized objects on large orbits were at least 3 times more common that Jupiter-sized planets at similar distances from their parent stars. And hot on the heels of these measurements new Doppler, or ?wobble?, detections of exoplanets indicated that at least 1-in-4 normal stars should harbor Earth-sized planets within about a quarter of the distance of the Earth from the Sun (0.25 AU).

It was becoming increasingly apparent that planets might be plentiful. Entering 2011 then the first big results from NASA?s Kepler mission began to make waves. With these came the statistical inference that the most numerous types of planets orbiting within 1/2 an Earth-Sun distance (0.5 AU) were Neptune-sized worlds, clocking in with a frequency of occurrence of about 17% (i.e. around 1 in every 6 stars). Close behind came Earth-sized objects, in about 6% of all systems. With a little extrapolation, and assuming a total of 200 billion normal stars in the Milky Way galaxy, it was clear that there might be millions of Earth-sized worlds in the habitable zones of their stellar parents, across the galaxy.

But things were just starting to warm up. The next item was another statistical inference from gravitational microlensing surveys, that now indicated a very substantial population of ?rogue? planets ? giant worlds perhaps ejected from their stellar nests by strong gravitational interactions with other planetary chicks. The conclusion was that free-floating, wandering, objects as large, or larger than Jupiter, outnumbered stars in our galaxy by almost 2 to 1. It?s a remarkable result, but what about planets very much in the grasp of their parent stars, the equivalent of our own solar system?

Recently a new microlensing analysis by Cassan et al. appeared in Nature that explicitly targets planets orbiting between about 0.5 and 10 AU from their parent stars. The results solidify and carry forward all the measurements from before. About 17% of stars (give or take several percent) harbor Jupiter mass planets, cool Neptunes exist around about 52% of stars and Super-Earths (5 to 10 times the mass of Earth) exist around roughly 62% of stars. Even with sizable errors in these estimates (as much as 20-30%) the numbers are astonishing ? there are at least 1.6 planets orbiting from 0.5 to 10 AU for every star in the galaxy. Combine this with the Doppler survey numbers (25% of stars with ?Earth-sized? planets within 0.25 AU), the Kepler numbers (17% of stars with ?Neptunes? orbiting within 0.5AU), and the microlensing estimates of 2 rogue giant planets per star in the galaxy and you have, well you have an awful lot of planets.

Of course one has to be careful in pulling these numbers together. Different detection methods and surveys have different biases, and if (for example) a giant planet orbits at 0.5 AU from its star then dynamical stability may preclude the possibility of other worlds nearby. Nonetheless, the bottom line is, I think, very clear; there really are planets everywhere, and they must number in the hundreds of billions in the Milky Way.

The results of glorious chemical and energy flux on a planet (L. Topinka, USGS)

Despite where we find ourselves, on a small rocky world, there was no reason to believe that the universe would make planets as efficiently as it seems to. Our situation is merely one data point, and a horribly biased a posteori one at that, and our models of planet formation are, to be quite frank, struggling to keep up with the flood of new data. Nonetheless, from the point of view of astrobiology and the search for life elsewhere, planetary bodies remain the primary, critical, target. There are simply no other environments in the cosmos that offer the same potential for diverse and complex chemistry in multiple phases of matter, and the potential for such long-term equilibrium (albeit a dynamic type of equilibrium with energy and chemistry in both sporadic and cyclical flux).

Thus, the sheer abundance of planets profoundly impacts the nature of our exploration of the universe and our quest to understand our own significance or insignificance. There is nothing trivial about the discovery of planetary plentitude, because it means that we are finally on the cusp of seeing whether a statement made two and a half thousand years ago is correct or not:

?To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow?

- Metrodorus of Chios (Fourth Century B.C.)

It?s extraordinary to think how far we have come since these words were written.

(Oh, and as for moons, well don?t even begin to go there. Our solar system carries over 160 natural satellites around with it, so moons might yet turn out to be the most numerous planetary-type bodies of all?)



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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Key points of US-Iran tensions (AP)

Some key points of tensions between Iran and the U.S. in recent years:


SANCTIONS: Washington has led international efforts to boost sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, which the West and allies fear could lead to an atomic weapons program. Iran says it seeks reactors for energy and research only.


GULF THREATS: Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormouz, the route for nearly one-sixth the world's oil, in retaliation for new sanctions. Iran also has warned Washington not to return the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis to the Gulf. The U.S. has said it would strongly oppose any shipping blockade and has dismissed threats about warship deployments in the region.


SAUDI PLOT: U.S. authorities last year alleged agents linked to Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard were involved in a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington. It has charged a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen and an Iranian described as a member of an elite Revolutionary Guard unit, who is still at large. Iran denies any links to the plot.


DETAINED AMERICANS: Iran has detained several Americans on spy-related charges, including freelance journalist Roxana Saberi as well as three U.S. citizens arrested along the Iraqi border in 2009. All were later freed and deny the allegations.


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Monday, January 9, 2012

Un joven africano fallece en Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) de Barcelona. En dos a?os ya han muerto 3 personas en esta c?rcel de inmigrantes

Contra los CIES 300x206 Un joven africano fallece en Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) de Barcelona. En dos a?os ya han muerto 3 personas en esta c?rcel de inmigrantesUn joven africano de 21 a?os falleci? la pasada madrugada en una c?rcel de inmigrantes (CIE) de Barcelona. Muri? al parecer por un infarto de miocardio sin que las unidades de emergencia que lo atendieron lograran reanimarle, seg?n fuentes cercanas al caso.

El joven, que hab?a sido trasladado a Barcelona el pasado 22 de diciembre desde el Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) de Melilla, se encontraba pasada la medianoche en la celda con otros cinco internos tambi?n africanos, quienes alertaron a los vigilantes de que el chico estaba teniendo problemas respiratorios.

Los equipos m?dicos que acudieron al lugar no pudieron hacer nada por su vida y el m?dico forense ?nicamente pudo certificar una ?muerte s?bita no violenta?, por posibles ?causas cerebrales o coronarias?.

A?n as?, se est? pendiente de los resultados de la autopsia para confirmar las causas de su fallecimiento.

Seg?n apuntaban algunas informaciones de los abogados de los internos, que se desplazaron hasta la c?rcel para tomarles declaraci?n, ?el joven habr?a reclamado previamente asistencia m?dica. La Polic?a lo niega.

El suceso ha originado que un grupo de internos haya manifestado su malestar por considerar que el incidente se ha debido a la falta de atenci?n y de int?rpretes, e incluso un tercio de los ingresados en el centro ha iniciado una huelga de hambre.

En previsi?n de esta posible tensi?n, se ha reforzado la presencia de agentes de la polic?a en la c?rcel, que se encuentra retirada de la ciudad, entre pol?gonos, en el barrio de Zona Franca de Barcelona.

Un historial de muertes preocupante

Los datos de la c?rcel de inmigrantes de Zona Franca son alarmantes. En cuesti?n de dos a?os ya han muerto tres internos en circunstancias extra?as. Los dos ?ltimos fueron un joven de Ecuador y otro de Marruecos.

En junio de 2009 fue apresado el joven ecuatoriano de 20 a?os Jonathan Sizalima. Horas m?s tarde, Sizalima apareci? ahorcado en su celda en un supuesto suicidio pese a que ya se hab?a procedido a su excarcelaci?n.?A los padres del fallecido ni siquiera les dejaron ver de cerca el cad?ver de su hijo, sino que solo lo pudieron ver tras un cristal y tapado con una manta con la cual solo se le identificaba la cabeza.

En mayo de 2010, la organizaci?n SOS Racismo denunci? la muerte de Mohamed Abagui, un chico marroqu? de 22 a?os que estaba pendiente de una orden de deportaci?n y se encontraba aislado en una celda. Debido a la opacidad de este tipo de c?rceles, los hechos se pudieron conocer a trav?s de diversos testimonios de personas retenidas y familiares de otros internos.

La poca transparencia que caracterizan a los llamados CIE?s hizo imposible conseguir m?s informaci?n. Fuentes oficiales de la c?rcel aseguraron que se trat? de un suicidio. Otras informaciones apuntaron a que su muerte pudo producirse debido a una paliza por parte de los agentes.

Tanto SOS Racismo como otras organizaciones pro derechos inmigrantes denuncian desde hace tiempo lo que catalogan como ?Guant?namos?europeos ?, c?rceles que se convierten en limbos legales donde resulta muy complicado acceder y recopilar informaci?n sobre las condiciones de los internos.

En 2010 LibreRed entrevist? a Jose Pe??n, portavoz de SOS Racismo, quien habl? sobre la vulneraci?n de derechos que se producen en estas c?rceles y trat? la muerte del joven marroqu? Mohamed Abagui.

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Etiquetas: Catalunya-PValenci?-Illes, DD.HH., Estado Espa?ol, Inmigrantes, Migraci?n, Racismo, Represi?n


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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thousands of US troops deploying to Israel

Without much media attention, thousands of American troops are being deployed to Israel, and Iranian officials believe that this is the latest and most blatant warning that the US will soon be attacking Tehran.

? Reuters / Nir Elias

Tensions between nations have been high in recent months and have only worsened in the weeks since early December when Iran hijacked and recovered an American drone aircraft. Many have speculated that a back-and-forth between the two countries will soon escalate Iran and the US into an all-out war, and that event might occur sooner than thought.

Under the Austere Challenge 12 drill scheduled for an undisclosed time during the next few weeks, the Israeli military will together with America host the largest-ever joint missile drill by the two countries. Following the installation of American troops near Iran's neighboring Strait of Hormuz and the reinforcing of nearby nations with US weapons, Tehran authorities are considering this not a test but the start of something much bigger.

In the testing, America's Theater High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missile system will be operating alongside its ship-based Aegis system and Israel's own program to work with Arrow, Patriot and Iron Drone missiles.

Israeli military officials say that the testing was planned before recent episodes involving the US and Iran. Of concern, however, is how the drill will require the deployment of thousands of American troops into Israel. The Jerusalem Post quotes US Commander Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc as saying the drill is not just an "exercise" but also a "deployment" that will involve "several thousand American soldiers" heading to Israel. Additionally, new command posts will be established by American forces in Israel and that country's own IDF army will begin working from a base in Germany.

In September, the US European Command established a radar system in Israel.

With America previously equipping Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates with weaponry to wreck any chance of an Iranian nuclear weapon program from close by, the US will now have added forces on the ready in Israel and Germany under what Tehran fears is a guise being merely perpetrated as a test-run. RT reported last week that the US is equipping Saudi Arabia with nearly $30 billion F-15 war planes, a deal that comes shortly after Washington worked out a contract with Dubai to give the UAE advanced "bunker buster" bombs that could decimate underground nuclear operations in neighboring Iran.

Since the US surveillance mission over Iran that left overseas intelligence with a captured American drone aircraft, tensions have only escalated between the two nations. After Iran threatened to close down the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial path for the nation's oil trade, the US dispatched 15,000 marines into the area.


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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mayor Emanuel: Money for CME, cuts for public libraries

Mayor Emanuel must have got lots of rest on his South American vacation, cause he marched back into town last week supercharged and ready to kick ass?specifically, librarian's ass.

Not really sure what it is about Mayor Emanuel and public libraries, but the dude never looks so happy as when he's cutting their hours or firing their staff.

In this case, he's vowing to close the branch libraries on Mondays. Or as he might put it?let those fuckers get their books on Amazon!

Apparently, neither the mayor nor anyone he knows actually uses a public library, even though the one in his hometown of Wilmette is positively lovely, with a fireplace and everything.

But what the mayor should know by now is that thousands and thousands of ordinary Chicagoans depend on the libraries, if for nothing else than a relatively quiet place to do homework after a long day in the classroom.

And as we all know by now?the mayor loves long days in the classroom. Well, at least for everybody else.

In fact, lots of those ordinary Chicagoans showed up to protest at city hall last fall, when Mayor Emanuel proposed to cut about $11 million from the libraries, which are already understaffed and underfunded.

Those protests got so many aldermen fired up that they forced Mayor Emanuel to compromise and "only" cut about $8 million from the libraries.

In turn, the aldermen got so giddy with appreciation for the mayor that they voted fifty to nothing to approve his budget, mental health clinic closings, and massive water-sewer tax hike included.

What a crew....

Now, Mayor Emanuel has decided to break his word and close the branch libraries on Mondays, even though he swore up and down he'd keep them open six days a week.

They're already closed on Sundays?during which time, under the mayor's plan, children are supposed to study at Starbucks.

Let's get one thing straight?this has nothing to do with finances. This city's loaded with money, starting with the $700 or so million in the Tax Increment Financing slush funds.

Not sure why Mayor Emanuel won't tap the TIF slush to fully fund the libraries?probably cause he's gearing up to waste most of it on some spectacularly stupid spectacle like the G-8 summit he's so thirsty to bring to town.

Why, this city's so rich we're getting ready to throw roughly $31 million to a developer who has enough brains to hire Mayor Emanuel's former campaign manager as his consultant on a deal on the north lakefront.

Here?read all about it....

And we can waste another $7 million on a grocery store in Greektown that will go across the street from another grocery store. No money for libraries but millions for Greektown grocery stores.

Here?read all about that.....

Oh, and let's not forget the $4 million he wants to spend on a grocery store in North Center. Or the $15 million in TIF funds that Mayor Emanuel is practically begging the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to take.

Please, CME, please?will even close the libraries if you take our $15 million!

That would be the same CME which recently got well over $100 million in tax breaks from the state. Speaking of spectacularly stupid wastes of money.

So if money's not the issue, why is the mayor being so hard on the libraries? I suspect he's looking for another opportunity to beat up a union?in this case, the union for library employees. The mayor loves beating up unions. Probably figures it will get him contributions from gazillionaires?like the boys at CME?when he gets ready to run in Iowa's 2016 Democratic caucus.

Though with his record, the mayor might be better off running in the Republican caucus.

In the meantime, here's a hint for kids and parents looking for a library on Mondays. Head on up to lovely Wilmette. Just tell them Mayor Rahm sent you. I'm sure they'll be happy to give you a cozy seat by the fire....


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Friday, January 6, 2012

Windows 8's new 'Refresh' and 'Reset' options get detailed

And just like that, your next Windows-based PC becomes more like a phone. We'd heard during our early playtime with Windows 8 that the furniture would be arranged a little differently when it came to resetting and refreshing one's machine, and now we're being given a closer look at what exactly that means. Finalized builds of Win8 will offer a pair of related features; 'Reset your PC' will allow you to remove all personal data, apps, and settings from the PC, and reinstall Windows, while 'Refresh your PC' enables your to keep all personal data, Metro style apps, and important settings from the PC, and reinstall Windows. The goal here? To give end-users a single button to press when you just want "everything to be fixed." An interesting approach, no doubt, but one we're probably better off having than not. We're still many months out from securing a final copy of this OS on our desk, but those interested in every little tidbit -- including a new method for creating a bootable USB flash drive -- can visit the links below.

Windows 8's new 'Refresh' and 'Reset' options get detailed originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 05 Jan 2012 11:07:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Skype and Tely Labs deliver Tegra 2-powered Android videochat to your HDTV

TelyHD TV Phone
Video calling is leaving the PC behind and increasingly looking for a home in people's living rooms. Tely Labs is just the latest company to hop on that trend, but it's scored a powerful partner in Skype. The TelyHD TV Phone system doesn't look too dissimilar from a Kinect, but underneath its glossy plastic shell is an HD webcam and a Tegra 2 pushing a customized version of Android. The company promises other apps are in the works, but the star of the show is clearly Skype, which hopes to deliver HD-quality video calls wherever there's a TV (or a phone, or a computer). The TelyHD is available now for $250, check out the complete PR after the break.

Continue reading Skype and Tely Labs deliver Tegra 2-powered Android videochat to your HDTV

Skype and Tely Labs deliver Tegra 2-powered Android videochat to your HDTV originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 05 Jan 2012 10:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Video: How much does electability matter in Iowa?

NBC?s Chuck Todd joins Brian Williams to discuss what will matter more to Iowa Republicans tonight: the candidates? electability or ideology.

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Meizu MX launches today, lines dotted all over China as usual

This time last year we witnessed the Meizu M9 madness in Shenzhen, so we decided to pay our favorite gadget city another visit for the MX launch today (still the 1.4GHz dual-core model, of course). Surprisingly, the lines in Huaqiangbei this time were significantly shorter, but we were told that this was due to tighter security measures as requested by the local authorities -- if you've seen last year's photos you'll know why. Instead, this year the customers are told to line up only when they get a phone call; but a few keen beans still arrived last night, and the first guy in Shenzhen even turned down hotel accommodation offered by Meizu. Yep, that's how you do a "first" properly, folks. Other big cities in China also saw a similar phenomenon, including Beijing, Guangzhou and even Hong Kong -- it's hard to miss the long line formed along the south end of Sai Yeung Choi Street outside the new Mongkok store.

Meizu also informed us that the MX's final hardware benefits from an improved camera (tweaked white balance and the lens now benefits from an oleophobic coating), while the software's been giving many enhancements since our review -- these are mostly the weird default settings we mentioned previously, such as the max clock speed out of the box (now at 1.4GHz instead of 1GHz) and the default video recording resolution (now 1080p instead of the weird 1,080 x 720 setting). Oh, and if you're still rocking the older M9, Meizu has confirmed that it'll also get the Ice Cream Sandwich update later this year, so stay tuned. More in the press release after the break.

Continue reading Meizu MX launches today, lines dotted all over China as usual

Meizu MX launches today, lines dotted all over China as usual originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 01 Jan 2012 02:51:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Tina Fey for President?

As the race heats up for the republican nominee, we take a look at the women we wish would run in 2012.


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Police plan tight security at Times Square

Less than two weeks after graduating from the New York City police academy, more than 1,500 rookie officers have a daunting first assignment: helping to protect Times Square on New Year's Eve.

The deployment is just one of an array of security measures ? many visible, many not ? that the New York Police Department rolls out each year for the event that turns the "Crossroads of the World" into a massive street party that stretches 17 blocks through the heart of Manhattan.

Behind the scenes leading up to New Year's Eve, city police officials meticulously map out how to control crowds that can swell to 1 million. The yearly ritual also means worrying about potential terror threats.

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"There will be several thousand police officers involved," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Thursday when asked about security. "I think we do this pretty well. We have a lot of experience in doing it."

Kelly said so far there are no specific threats against Times Square. But in the post-9/11 world, the department knows from experience ? especially a botched attempted car bombing in the summer of 2010 ? that Times Square is a potential terror target.

Backed by the Pakistani Taliban, Faisal Shahzad left a Nissan Pathfinder outfitted with a crude, homemade propane-and-gasoline bomb on a block teeming with tourists. The explosive malfunctioned, but the near-miss spread a wave of fear across the city.

Shahzad was arrested and, after a guilty plea, sentenced to life in prison. But he warned, "Brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun."

Since then, the NYPD has maintained a higher profile in Times Square, with mounted police and foot patrols outside hotels, restaurants and Broadway theaters. The department even elevated its neon "New York Police Dept." sign on West 43rd Street several feet so it's more visible.

The usual security is bolstered each New Year's Eve by an army of extra patrol officers who use police barriers to prevent overcrowding and for checkpoints to inspect vehicles, enforce a ban on alcohol and check handbags. Revelers will see bomb-sniffing dogs, heavily armed counter-terrorism teams and NYPD helicopters overhead.

What won't be as evident are the plainclothes officers assigned to blend into the crowd and other officers keeping watch from rooftops. Many officers will be wearing palm-size radiation detectors designed to give off a signal if they detect evidence of a dirty bomb, an explosive intended to spread panic by creating a radioactive cloud.

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The bomb squad and another unit specializing in chemical and biological threats will sweep hotels, theaters, construction sites and parking garages. They will also patrol the sprawling Times Square subway station.

The NYPD also will rely on a new network of about 3,000 closed-circuit security cameras carpeting the roughly 1.7 square miles south of Canal Street, the subway system and parts of midtown Manhattan. In recent years, police stationed at high-tech command centers in lower Manhattan began monitoring live feeds of Times Square, the World Trade Center and other sites.

Times Square isn't the only show in town this New Year's Eve ? or the only security concern. Police also will be beef up patrols in Central Park, site of a midnight run, and at fireworks displays at the Statue of Liberty.

The NYPD harbor unit will keep an eye on 33 dinner cruises on the city's waterways. Add to the list the Phish concert at Madison Square Garden.

On a smaller scale in outlying neighborhoods, police are concerned about a phenomenon seen in past years: people who ring in the new year by firing guns into the air.

"We urge people not to do that," Kelly said.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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